Discover Web Summit Rio’s tracks

Your ticket grants you access to all of them.
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The AI track

From neural networks and LLMs to algorithmic bias and data ethics, AI Academy covers the latest trends, insights and technological developments from industry experts pushing boundaries in artificial intelligence.

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The one for the creators

The world’s leading media companies, both traditional and new, gather with those creating, distributing and monetizing content to explore the future of the content we consume.

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Business that innovates

Corporate Innovation Summit brings together the leaders at the helms of the world’s biggest corporations as they confront the major issues facing businesses today.

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The design track

Our gathering for designers, bringing together artists, graphic designers and creatives from all disciplines and corners of tech to explore design thinking.

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The energy track

An exploration of the world’s energy dynamics, Energy gathers experts to examine the entire landscape – transcending the confines of the traditional and renewable sectors, and leading the path to a diverse and sustainable future.

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The journalism track

The world’s leading journalists explore tech and news, new audiences and credibility in the age of misinformation.

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The developer track

FullSTK is our developer gathering – bringing together the product managers, data scientists, coders and engineers programming the future to talk tech.

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Unicorns in the making

Growth Summit brings together the founders and leaders of the world’s highest-growth companies. Learn from the tech leaders of tomorrow.

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Autotech and robotics

Machine focuses on autonomous vehicles, robotics, smart cities and the internet of things, bringing together the industry’s leading companies, experts and hobbyists.

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The evolution of finance

MoneyConf is where the world’s leading banks, tech firms and fintech startups meet. This track sits at the intersection of finance and technology.

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The marketing track

PandaConf is a platform for global CMOs, leading brands, marketing and advertising industry giants, investors, agencies and adtech startups.

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The sustainability track

planet:tech provides a global meeting point to explore technology and the environment. Environmental activists and tech giants discuss sustainability, green tech and the fight against climate change.

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The SaaS track

A gathering for the world’s most disruptive emerging technology companies and the largest buyers and sellers of technology and software.

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More than just a game

On SportsTrade, all-stars from the sports, tech, gaming and media worlds get together to break down the new technology transforming how we compete and engage with sports.

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Kickstarting a startup

Our network of CEOs, founders and investors take the stage to give their tips on how to navigate launching and growing a startup. Learn from the people who’ve done it all before.

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Smart money talks

Venture is a congregation of the most prominent investors from leading international funds, along with influential angels, accelerators and LPs, to discuss the future of funding.

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The future of Web3

From cryptocurrency to the metaverse and gaming, to direct immersion into the digital world, Web3 brings together the leaders forging the way through the third-generation internet. 

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Ask them anything

It’s one of the most open and honest stages in tech. Our biggest speakers give the audience a chance to ask them anything on the Q&A stage.