The city

Getting around Rio de Janeiro.

Can I book accommodation with Web Summit Rio?
Looking for ways to spend your time while in Rio?
By Metro
By bus
By Taxi
Which airport should I fly?

Can I book accommodation with Web Summit Rio?

We have partnered with b-network to bring you exclusive hotel offers for your stay in Rio, Brazil . Individual or group stays at various price points around the event dates can be booked here.

Looking for ways to spend your time while in Rio?

From stunning beaches to world-class cuisine, Rio has plenty to offer. Check out our recommendations to get the most out of the city.


The metro service is a good way to navigate Rio de Janeiro. You can buy a Riocard upon arrival at either of the city’s airports, or you can get them from any metro or tram (VLT) station in the city’s transport network.

Riocard tickets are purchased with a R$4 security deposit and an initial load of R$6.50. R$5 is the minimum recharge amount.

You can use the Metro Rio website to plan your route to Riocentro or to one of the many tourist spots in the city.

If using public transport in the city, we recommend that you remain vigilant against pickpockets at all times.

By bus

Private bus service

For the comfort, convenience and safety of attendees, Web Summit Rio will be partnering with AS Brasil to provide a first-class bus service to and from the event. The bus terminal will be conveniently located within Riocentro (one minute from Main Registration), guaranteeing safety throughout the entire journey.

This is a first-class service on an air-conditioned executive bus, with seating capacity only. 

Book your tickets here.

Meeting points

The first-class bus service will operate from 25 meeting points around Rio de Janeiro. You can board from two main zones:

Downtown and South Zone

São Conrado

West Zone

Barra da Tijuca
Hotels close to Riocentro


Buses depart for Riocentro at 7am, 9am, 11am and 1pm. You can choose your pick-up point and time when pre-booking your ticket online.

Departures from Riocentro will start at 4pm.

Prices for a one-day round-trip ticket start at R$60 (excl. tax). Visit the dedicated tickets page to find specific pricing for your location. 


You can book and hail taxis using the city’s official Taxi.Rio app.

A number of other ride-hailing apps are also in operation in the city, and you can always flag down one of the many registered taxis on the streets.

Which airport should I fly to?

If you are flying to Rio de Janeiro from outside of Brazil, you will most likely arrive at RIOgaleão – Tom Jobim International Airport. This is about 20 kilometers from the city center.

All flights on budget and domestic airlines within Brazil will likely arrive at Santos Dumont Airport, located just two kilometers from the center of Rio.