The digital transition of public finances in Africa [Hosted by the Angolan Ministry of Finance and SETIC-FP]

The digital transition of public finances in Africa [Hosted by the Angolan Ministry of Finance and SETIC-FP]

Masterclass 1 Masterclass area A
In this Panel we will showcase, through Engineer Edilson Coelho, general director of SETIC-FP, the process Technological modernization and digital transition for the sustainability of public finances in Africa/Angola. Use Cases. [This masterclass will be held in Portuguese]
Edilson Coelho
Edilson Coelho
Edilson Coelho
General DirectorSETI-FP
Claudio Costa
Claudio Costa
Claudio Costa
CEOEuax Consulting
Francisco Carrôlo
Francisco Carrôlo
Francisco Carrôlo
Co-founder, CTOWiConnect
Alexandre Amorim
Alexandre Amorim
Alexandre Amorim
Leonel Cambango
Leonel  Cambango
Leonel Cambango
Director Adjunto Sistemas de Informação SETIC-FP/Ministério das Finanças Angola