Stage 8 Pavilion 2

AI for all

Meet the world’s first real-time sign-language translator. Powered by computer vision and AI, the tech is the result of a five-year RD&I collaboration between CESAR and Lenovo. Rolling out in Brazil later this year, it will increase autonomy, boost inclusivity, and create connections between hearing-impaired and hearing people. Join this session for a live demo. Please note: This session will be taking place entirely in English. Listen along with live Portuguese translations by using LiveVoice, accessible via the menu in the Web Summit Rio mobile app.
Lauro Elias Neto
Lauro Elias Neto
Lauro Elias Neto
Executive DirectorCesar
Hildebrando Lima
Hildebrando Lima
Hildebrando Lima
Executive Director of R&DLenovo
AI and machine learningSociety