Unlocking mission-critical RD&I collaboration [Hosted by Cesar]

Unlocking mission-critical RD&I collaboration [Hosted by Cesar]

Masterclass 4 Masterclass area A
Gain key insights into a real-world RD&I collaboration using advanced technologies like A.I., HPC and quantum computing via Porto Digital’s CESAR and innovation leads from Petrobras and Nvidia. [This masterclass will be held in Portuguese]
Benedito Macedo
Benedito Macedo
Benedito Macedo
Executive Director CESAR
Adriana Salles Gomes
Adriana Salles Gomes
Adriana Salles Gomes
Editorial director MIT Sloan Management Review Brasil
Felipe Portella
Felipe Portella
Felipe Portella
HPC AdvisorPetrobras
João Paulo Navarro
João Paulo Navarro
João Paulo Navarro
Sr. Solutions ArchitectNVIDIA